Life and Hope

When ever Friday comes, the only thought comes in all working women is, TGIF (Thank God Its Friday). The same thought came to me as well. As usual, I woke up early and got busy in all food preparations for my son and family before leaving for office. Well my son wakes up late and its really very difficult to feed him breakfast but I still tried my best to get his breakfast done before I left for office. I was ready and waiting for Auto. Suddenly the rain started. It was a cloudy weather and I had my umbrella as I had intuition of rain. How lucky I was J . I wanted to had a rain bath but how could I do this as I was ready for office and we are not supposed to look untidy in office. So I kept control on my emotions and gave a kick to my office time. I spent good time In office but in back of my mind, I was waiting for time to move fast as I wanted to reach home soon. Although my office end time is 8:30pm but I decided to go early by 6:30pm as I wanted to ...